Applications Process for Health Centres Under Bill 60 Now Underway

On June 3, 2024, the Ontario government issued a province-wide call for applications to license community surgical and diagnostic centres to provide MRI and CT scan services. The deadline to submit an application is August 12, 2024. This blog outlines what an applicant needs to know when preparing their application.

Legislative Background

The Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023 (the “ICHSCA”) was enacted pursuant to the Your Health Act (also known as Bill 60). Consequently, the Independent Health Facilities Act and its regulations were repealed.

Notably, the ICHSCA expanded the definition of an integrated community health services centre to include a community surgical and diagnostic centre (“Centre”). Section 1(1) of the ICHSCA defines an integrated community health services centre as:

(a)   a health facility, including a community surgical and diagnostic centre, in which one or more members of the public receive services for or in respect of which facility costs are charged or paid, or

(b)   a health facility, including a community surgical and diagnostic centre, or a class of health facilities, that is prescribed.

Currently, there are seven existing Centres that are licensed to provide MRI and/or CT imaging services in Ontario. The recent call for applications seeks to expand the number of Centres, with a goal of ensuring faster services and facilitating surgeries and procedures that are proximally closer for patients.

Application Requirements

Applicants applying for a license for both MRI scans and CT scans at the same Centre are required to submit two separate applications. Additionally, a separate application must be completed for each proposed Centre location (i.e., only one MRI and one CT submission may be submitted per location). The application must describe the Centre’s:

  • service(s), including how the service(s) will improve patient wait times, experience, and access,

  • proposed operating timeline to begin providing services,

  • access to equipment,

  • approximate annual volumes and hours of operation,

  • quality assurance and continuous quality improvement programs,

  • infection prevention and control plan,

  • location (e.g., address, distance to other Centres and hospitals),

  • staffing model (e.g., number of staff, rates of compensation, names of physicians who will be interpreting scans), including the applicant’s plan to maintain such model,

  • ability to meet the health needs of diverse, vulnerable and underserved populations, and

  • uninsured services, including the applicant’s plan to charge and obtain consent for such services.

Additionally, the application must describe the applicant’s:

  • business, clinical and professional experience, and the applicant’s related ability to fulfill the Centre’s governance and management duties,

  • consultation with health system partners and related endorsements, and

  • connections built with health system partners, including the applicant’s plan to maintain and strengthen such connections.

Detailed application criteria can be found in the Application Guidelines and in each Call for Applications (click here for MRI and click here for CT).

Application Considerations

The Ministry of Health will assess each application and determine whether to issue a license. Under s. 6(2) of the ICHSCA, the Ministry will consider the Centre’s types of services and expected costs, and if the Centre’s services:

  • are already offered in Ontario,

  • will improve patient wait times, experience, and access,

  • meets Ontario’s present or future needs for such services,

  • will affect health system planning,

  • are needed in the region,

  • will impact the co-ordination of health services, and

  • can be supported by available public funds.

The Ministry has discretion to issue a license, and will not issue a license if the proposed Centre is in the same building as or neighbouring building of a private hospital. In filling out an application, all applicants must indicate whether any existing health facilities in the same area as the proposed Centre are already providing diagnostic imaging services. Licenses can also be subject to limitations and conditions.

Licenses are typically valid for five years, and can be renewed pursuant to s. 9 of the ICHSCA.

Future Calls for Applications

Additional calls for applications are planned for 2024. While the only call for applications that is currently open is for MRI/CT, the Ministry plans to introduce calls for applications for GI endoscopy procedures and orthopedic surgeries later this year. We will continue to provide updates as future calls for applications are announced.

Key Takeaway

All applicants must ensure that their application meets the requirements as outlined in the ICHSCA and in the Application Guidelines. If you are applying to establish or operate a Centre in order to provide MRI and/or CT services, connect with us for assistance with the application process.


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Alisha Kapur Quoted by CBC News